Sunday, 10 February 2013


Whilst sorting out all my various cake tins and assorted related paraphernalia I came across a madeleine tin that I forgot I had.  So off course I thought I should give it a go to make sure it still works!  I had also been trying to come up with a recipe to use left over marzipan from christmas to inspiration struck resulting in these dainty little almond goodies.

The almond flavour obviously comes from the marzipan which also gives them a bit of chew in the middle and a crunch on the outside.  You should get about 15 from this recipe.

I have used a freestanding mixer for this but an electric hand held one will do the job, don't try this with a hand whisk, you'll be there all night.  Silicone madeleine trays are good but do dust them with flour before you fill them as the marzipan can get sticky.

Prepare your tin by brushing it with melted butter and dusting with flour.  Heat the oven to 200C.

In a free standing mixer, whisk 2 Eggs with 40g Sugar till it becomes thick and fluffy and doubles in size.  While this is happening, melt 80g Butter and leave to cool.  When the eggs and sugar are ready, sieve in 80g Plain Flour then gently fold it in with a metal spoon.  Now slowly add the butter a little at a time and fold it in with the metal spoon.  Lastly fold in 80g Grated Marzipan.

Spoon the mixture into the shells to just below the top and bake for 10 minutes till they look golden.  Cool them in the tin for 10 minutes before removing them to a cooling rack. Once cool, dust with icing sugar.

We love these still warm but they should last for a couple of days in a tin - if you can resist x


  1. They look and sound really lovely. I love using marzipan in baking :-)

  2. Thanks Nicola, I hope you give them a go x

  3. hi yasmin, i have a pack of marzipan left over from xmas,and a new silicone madeline tray so will give these a try over the weekend.
    thanks for sharing the recipe x

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Perfect, It was meant to be Traceyh. Don't forget to flour your silicone mould to help with getting them out x
