Thursday, 23 September 2021


I wasn't quite sure what to call this, a Loaf Scone or a Scone Loaf, a Scone Cake, which ever, it's a scone in a loaf, one massive scone with the jam built in and ready for a luscious blob of clotted cream. As you're just making one, there's less fiddling and faffing about. My tip would be to use a baking liner in case any jam leaks to make it easier to remove from the tin.

I made two versions, one with lemon curd and one with jam and 75g of Glacé Cherries cut into quarters and added to the scone mix.  I've also sprinkled on some sugar nibs for extra showoffiness.

400g Self Raising Flour
50g Sugar
100g Butter/Margarine
200g Milk
3 tbsp Lemon Curd/Jam

Put the flour into a large mixing bowl and rub the butter in till there are no lumps. Now stir through the sugar and slowly add the milk whilst mixing to form a soft dough, I find stirring it with a knife is easiest. You don't want this to be too sticky as it will make it difficult to roll out so keep an eye on it whilst adding the milk.

Once your dough is formed, tip it onto a floured surface and knead it gently to bring it together into a smooth ball.  Roll out the dough into a rough rectangle about 1/2 inch thick.  Spread the Lemon Curd or jam to cover it then carefully roll it into a sausage like a roll poly.  Place your scone into the lined loaf tin and bake at 160C fan for 35-45 minutes.

When it's just out of the oven its a bit like a jam roll poly, so it seemed rude not to try it with a bit (lots) of custard - let me tell you, it worked Xx